Chroniques noires et partisanes


PKT5417-400496 FOOTBALLER - ERIC CANTONA 1995 Manchester United football star Eric Cantona attacks fan. This is that moment brought shame on English soccer last night. Manchester United's tempestuous French striker Eric Cantona launches an astonishing two-footed dropkick on a Crystal Palace fan in the crowd. The attack triggered a ounch-up across the barrier during which team mate and former England captain Paul Ince is alleged to have screamed at opposition fans: 'Come on then, We'll take you all'.


  1. Claude Le Nocher

    Meilleurs Vœux aux Nyctalopes pour 2016 ! Que ce site dure le plus longtemps possible !

    • clete

      Merci à toi Claude.Reçois en retour les nôtres.

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